I wanted to post about the products I use during my massage treatments and this first post is about the carrier or base products I use.
Where possible, I use organic products and always vegan so you can indulge in relaxation guilt-free!
Over the years I’ve tried several different products as I wanted to use those that were nourishing for everybody and every body but also kind to our planet.
Different massage treatments will require a different product. A sports massage, for example, requires me to grab hold of the tissues and I need to use a product that enables me to do so and to avoid slipping, which is even more do important when I’m using my elbows! And an aromatherapy massage requires a base oil that does not mask the scent of the essential oils.
I absolutely love the unscented vegan liquiwax, it’s a luxurious blend of plant-based waxes, velvety smooth and allows for long, gliding strokes ideal for deep tissue massage. It also maintains a tighter grip which is perfect for sports massages. Liquiwax does not pull on body hair like oils can. It’s suitable for all skin types and contains arnica oil for regeneration of the skin and help with bruising.

Soya bean oil, cold pressed, unrefined, vegan, it’s extremely high in lecithin, sterolins and vitamin E. The oil is very light, gentle and moisturising therefore suitable for all skin types. It’s an excellent alternative to sweet almond oil, one of the most common carrier oils used for massage, as it can be used with clients who have a nut allergy. It has very little scent which makes it a fantastic base oil for an aromatherapy massage allowing the essential oils to come through beautifully.

I’d love to hear from you below in comments about the products you love to receive during a massage treatment